Thursday, September 16, 2021

Marketing Management: Concept And Its Effect On The Organization.

Marketing Management: Concept And Its Effect On The Organization.


Marketing management refers to controlling, planning, organizing and implementing. Marketing management also works on the implementation of strategies designed to meet the needs of customers and services. In short, marketing management does all the work in the field of marketing. It identifies existing marketing opportunities and strategies for finding opportunities. The main purpose of marketing management is to eliminate visible flaws in marketing plans and policies. It also looks at the system of an organization. Everything You Need to Know about Marketing Management performs all the administrative work in the field of marketing. Marketing management identifies market opportunities and develops appropriate strategies to explore these opportunities profitably. It involves implementing a marketing program and constantly reviewing the effectiveness of the marketing mix. It needs to address shortcomings in the implementation of marketing plans, policies and procedures. It looks at the marketing system of the enterprise. Considering how a personal selling unit works in a marketing system, we will examine the question, what is marketing management? Some readers will be students who want to stay in marketing management; others are already marketing managers, and may still be involved in other related activities that are based on marketing management in an administrative or regulatory capacity. However, marketing management also includes strategies for using the marketing mix. Mostly, this concept is designed to determine the products and services tailored to the interests of the customers. The main advantage is that it simplifies the process of exchanging services from seller to buyer. The goal is to manage the marketing strategy effectively. MBA students in Marketing Management know all the strategies and techniques used in the field of marketing. Marketing management studies cover areas such as sales, leadership management skills, market research, etc. With the help of Assignmenthelped .com students will be able to analyze marketing choices by identifying competition, economics, etc. In addition, they will learn about the tools used in marketing strategies to ensure the day-to-day success of the company.

Key Components of Marketing

The concept of marketing management assignment help includes marketing and management. Management is a set of processes related to planning, organizing, directing, motivating, coordinating and controlling the various activities of a business organization. On the other hand, marketing stands as a process of meeting the needs and requirements of the customers. Organization of a variety of marketing activities for an organization called Marketing Management. Generally, marketing management involves the distribution of services and goods. But, segmentation in the target audience focuses too much on the psychological factors of marketing. The psychological element is focused on changing the needs of consumers as well as their preferences and shopping habits.

Importance of Gibbs' Reflective

This article is going to discuss and analyze a reflective analysis model called Gibbs reflective cycle. However, in 1988, this reflective cycle was designed by Graham Gibbs to provide a framework linked to reflective analysis so that individual learners could successfully learn from their experiences. However, first in this article, the reflective analysis model is praised by Graham Gibbs who highlights the author's main idea behind designing this reflective model. In addition, the use of this reflective analysis model will focus on learning, self-assessment and self-development. Then, we will discuss in more detail the six different stages involved in GA's reflective analysis model. In addition, the discussion will describe the key advantages of this reflective analysis model in terms of developing an effective and useful reflective analysis, in addition to considering the criticisms about this reflective analysis model. Finally, a valid recommendation for summarizing the key points discussed and how this reflective analysis model can be used is a draft of successful self-reflection, which can be helpful in self-learning and lengthening Individual learner development. The term reflective practice can be defined as an individual's ability to reflect on his or her actions while engaging in continuous learning. In addition, the process involves considering the practical principles and values that are responsible for informing a person's daily activities, analyzing practice, and developing insights into their strengths and weaknesses. However, key rational experiences consisting of rational experiences alone cannot advance the learning process, while deliberate self-reflection of experience will be equally important. As can be seen, reflective practice plays an important role in setting up professional learning and development based on practice where individual professionals or learners continue to learn from their professional experiences rather than transferring formal knowledge or skills or professionalism development courses. (Constantino ET.AL.2020).

Reflective Stages Associated With Gibb’s Model of Reflective Analysis are as Follow:-

Step 1: Description:

The first stage of this reflective analysis model is a description that requires a brief description of the event or experience in order to set the scene as well as the context. In addition, the learning process at this stage should be described in detail, while it is important to answer some questions about what happened during the event and the timing of the event, as well as the people involved in the event or activity. Furthermore, there are questions about the role of the individual learner that reflects their experience in response to an event or activity or situation and the consequences of the whole process (Emery and Chang, 2017).

Step 2: Feeling:

Emotions are about thoughts associated with experience. Therefore, at this particular stage of the learning cycle, the individual learner must interpret and analyses the emotions felt during the event. However, it is important to note that they should not judge or evaluate their emotions, but only say so. As it may be, this phase includes questions such as how the person felt before and during the procedure and what he or she experienced or felt after the event or activity. Again, they need to consider the emotions or experiences that their participants have experienced and whether their behavior may change in the future (Tawangsari and Fenwan, 2019).

Step 3:  Assessment:

The third stage of reflective analysis is the evaluation stage, in which the individual learner is required to evaluate his / her good or bad experiences during the process. At this stage, however, experience must be reasonably evaluated to determine what is good and what is bad. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate as honestly as possible to get Assignment help the most out of this reflective process. In the assessment phase, priority will be given to things that have gone well and things that have not gone well, whether the problems have been resolved and whether the situation has been resolved or not. In addition, this phase of positive or negative contribution reflective analysis will examine the situation of oneself as well as others. As much as possible, the key factors of the activity should be discussed in order to take an in-depth look at the incident.





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